
Auf der Suche nach ’ner Leiche


Ich bin noch nicht ganz sicher was ich davon halten soll… In einem Interview zum Film heißt es:

 „What we’re seeing from non-Christians and those who do not regularly attend church is that they do not feel preached to. They don’t feel kind of hit over the head with Jesus or the Bible. But, they are intrigued by this man and His followers. They are intrigued by the story of what happened, the birth of Christianity and the fact that the infrastructure of Judea, both the Sanhedrin and the Jewish leadership and the Roman leadership were all about crushing this man and crushing His followers. So that automatically lends them credibility.“ 

„Jesus is not talking at them heavily through this movie. It’s through Clavius‘ interactions with Jesus and Clavius‘ interactions with the disciples that we learn of Jesus‘ teachings and we learn who He is as the Son of God. And again, it all feels just so easy to try on for the unchurched.“

From believers, there was one, unifying message Affirm Films received during the faith-based testing.

„They’re just relieved that it’s not like the two big Bible movies of last year, in that it didn’t take liberties beyond acceptable levels in their mind. So they were relieved,“ Peluso says. „And we’re excited that Christians feel like they can embrace this story.“